Why Should You Start Writing?
Writing is being something popular right now, especially many of companies are hiring a lot of writers as copywriter’s job for improving their marketing just now.
What is the benefit as writer? And why should we start writing?
#1 Spending free time
On this era, everything was being instant, so we could have many of free time. Some years ago, when we want to buy a food, we have to go out from home and go to the restaurant or food court. But, we are doing it without going out from home today, just using our smartphone and opening the application for ordering a food that we wanted. Because of this, we could have many of free time. A lot of people open social media or do stalking other during waiting their ordering. Should we spend this for something useful? Yes, we do.
During ordering the food or the others, we could spare our free time by writing something. Cause writing is not only about spending free time, but it has lot of benefit for your life.
#2 Adding our knowledge
Before writing, we have to get some references for our articles, whatever by reading the book or sharing with others, or going to some place to make some researches. Cause, if we wrote something without any references our writing would be worts, and there were no one reading it. By reading a book or sharing with others, we could know some new knowledges that we didn’t know it before.
#3 Helping others
When we write and publish it, normally we wrote a problem and how to solve it. Sometimes, other people had a same problem with us, and indirectly we would help him for solving his problem by our writing. This often occurs in our life, many of authots get some message from email or social media that the reader be thankful to them, cause their writing was helping him solving his problem. If you like to help the others, like to share something useful, you could begin it by writing. Maybe, you could write the problem that you solved it, and you explain the steps for solving it.
#4 Making money
Except the 3 reasons that I mentioned it before, I think this is the best reason that people have to know it. Cause, everyone love money (I mean almost everyone). With money, our life would be happier (a lot of people think it).
Cause the impact of covid-19 virus, everything should be online’s activity, till many of jobs that must be done by activity on real life, those were being online’s activity, one of those was marketing. Marketing has many kinds of job, famous of them were doing marketing by graphic design and copywriter. So, as a writer you could use this opportunity for making more money (actually, there were many kind of jobs that you could do it by writing, I thought I would write it in the next time).
I thought, there were the important reasons that we have to know why should we start writing. For any advise or any recommendation for the next article, you could leave the comment below. And don’t hesitate to follow for getting new updates from me.
Have a nice day ^_^.
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